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Access everything you need to create stunning ebooks and print books with built-in book distribution that offers greater value per title

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Print and Ebook

$49 for Both


  • Global distribution to over 40,000 retailers & libraries
  • Availability to Amazon, Apple, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble
  • Print quality and e-reader compatibility
  • Online sales reporting
  • All managed from a single platform
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Print Book Only

$49 / Title


  • Print quality to match traditional publishers
  • Global distribution to over 40,000 retailers & libraries, including Amazon and Barnes & Noble
  • Hardcover, paperback or both
  • Variety of trim sizes, binding, paper, & color options
  • Online sales reporting
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Ebook Only

$25 / Title


  • Print quality to match traditional publishers
  • Global distribution to over 40,000 retailers & libraries, including Amazon and Barnes & Noble
  • Hardcover, paperback or both
  • Variety of trim sizes, binding, paper, & color options
  • Online sales reporting
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*To be eligible for this offer, all books must meet the requirements set for in the User Guide. Free title setup not valid on previously submitted titles. View the Pricing and Services Guide.


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