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IngramSpark Distribution

Showcase your book to a vast network of retailers, librarians, wholesalers, readers, review sites, and more!


Why promote your book with IngramSpark Distribution?

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Inclusion in IngramSpark Curated Lists

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Get Featured Positions on E-Commerce Sites    

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Retailer-Specific Metadata Optimization

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Get Your Book Seen by Readers

  Include your book in featured positions on websites like Amazon, Bookshop, Goodreads, Target, Wal-Mart, and more!

Stand out with Retailers and Librarians

Feature your book in lists accessible by over 40,000 retailers and libraries.

Include your book in paid for giveaways to influential retailers and librarians.

Enter in exclusive deals with retailers that include special editions of your book, in-store displays, and more!

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Increased Visibility with Book Wholesalers

Receive priority position for retailer inventory recommendations with wholesale distributors.

See your book cataloged and featured alongside traditionally published books.

How do I promote my book with ISD?

The ISD book discovery program helps connect IngramSpark books to retailers, librarians, and consumers around the world. While we look for titles throughout the IngramSpark catalog, a great way to cut through the noise is to nominate your book to be included in upcoming themed promotions.