6 Online Book Marketing Ideas for Authors That Take Just An Hour

Monday, August 06, 2018

In the vast sea of promotional activities an author can engage in, it is easy to float adrift. Many authors get overwhelmed by just how much there seems to be to do! Don’t let that attitude become yours—with a little planning and even a minimal time commitment, you can do easy online marketing for your own book. Each of these items can be accomplished in an hour or less.

1. Review Your Info

Check your book’s online retailer product page and make sure all information is correct—if not, make changes in Amazon Author Central.

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2. Secure Reviews

It is very beneficial to have at least three positive user reviews of your book at key online retailers (Amazon, B&N, etc.). Identify three friends or family members who might be willing to contribute to your reviews when your book launches, and approach them early on to be your “street team.” It is important to note that if Amazon discovers you know a reviewer, they may flag it.

3. Create a Facebook Event

Create a Facebook event page for the book’s release, hosted by your author Facebook page and co-hosted by each “street team” member. Be sure to invite all your contacts and invite them to write a review of the book on Amazon, Goodreads, and Barnes & Noble’s website on publication day as free ways they can support you. This page can also include information about any in-person events you are planning!

4. Create Shareable Purchase Links

Did you know that you can sell your book to your audience with links that direct readers to a dedicated purchase page? And you can earn more by doing so?

When you create special shareable purchase links for your book(s), you can set special prices, discounts, or promotions for particular segments of your readers or for special occasions such as Facebook events, flash sales, gifting, and more.

5. Create a Video

Create a 1-minute video of yourself talking about why you wrote the book and any message you want your readers to know about you (and the book!). Post this to YouTube and then share the video on your various social media platforms. Video content does really well on social media and gets more clicks!

6. Build an Email List

Pull together all of your personal contact listsfrom social media, alumni groups, holiday card mailings, etc.and build an email list to introduce yourself as an author. Be sure to comply with any local and federal laws regarding online privacy! Don’t spam your friends.

There is so much that indie authors can do to promote their books…and most of it does not have to wait until your book is out! If you can commit to doing even one of these things per week in the 5 months leading up to your release day, you will have dramatically increased the sales potential of your book.


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Sara Wigal

Sara Wigal is an Assistant Professor of Cinema, Television & Media and Director of Publishing at Belmont University, a unique undergraduate degree that equips students with necessary skills and knowledge to enter the book world. She serves the Next Chapter Society council which supports the programming made possible by the Nashville Public Library Foundation. She previously worked in literary PR, beginning as an assistant and working her way up to a Senior Manager role, shaping author brands and interacting with the media. Wigal has been published by The TennesseanPublishers Weekly, and Writer's Digest.
