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How to Write a Press Release

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Book publicity is one of the least expensive and perhaps most productive of the promotional strategies used to generate exposure for books. And a press release is a commonly used tool to stimulate publicity. However, too many publishers' press releases go unheeded because of one major mistakethey write their press releases about their books.

Unfortunately, non-retail buyers, such as companies, associations, and the media, are not interested in purchasing your books. They are concerned with solving a problem. It's not about the book as a product, but the story tie-in, the expertise of the author, or the solution the book presents. Retail book buyers (such as bookstores and libraries) and non-retail buyers alike are bombarded with correspondence every day. They will not take notice of something they think holds no relevance to their brand, their problem, or their customers, employees, or members. So, your first objective is to get their attention with a provocative headline that quickly points out why your content can solve their problems. 

How to Write a Headline for a Press Release

There are two general categories of press release headlines that intrigue recipients and build anticipation for your body text. A direct headline uses one or more of the primary sales features of your book as the attention-getter (10 New Ways to Motivate Employees). An indirect headline attempts only to stop the readers and get them to read more (What are your Members Saying About Your Association?).

Here are several types of direct and indirect headlines. Practice writing headlines using all these or combinations of them to draw readers into your press release and encourage them to take action on your recommendation.

1) Be Newsworthy

This is the most common method of direct selling. News headlines feature your content in the same manner as if it were a noteworthy item of timely interest. Simply select the outstanding feature of your book (from the perspective of the reader's audience) and present it clearly and quickly. Things are newsworthy when they're timely. There are several words you can use to trigger this impression, such as: Introducing, Just Published, Presenting the LatestAt Last, New, and Now. Combining these formulas can have a positive impact on the reader: Just Published. A New Book About How to Increase Employee Productivity.

Do not use this technique unless you really have a news story. Once hooked, readers will continue, looking for additional facts. If you disappoint them they will stop reading and never trust your press releases in the future. And do not use exclamation points for added emphasis. Let your statement stand alone on its news value.

2) Communicate the Primary Benefit

This is a simple statement of the most important benefit of your content. It is not necessary to be cute since a straightforward statement can be a powerful attraction. Make your message clear and compelling by beginning your headline with the words How to... (How to End Revenue Worries), Why (Why Your Employees Call in Sick) or Which (Which of These Five Sales Troubles Would You Like to End?). These types of headlines are interesting and address the reader's major concern: "Will this be of interest to my customers, members, or employees?"

A technique that has been proven effective is to offer advice or tips (Advice to a New Marketing Manager). These words suggest that the readers will discover some useful information if they read the copy, the knowledge of which they can then pass on to their audiences.

3) Tap into Emotion

A common approach is that of capitalizing directly upon the emotions of your readers. Typically, these headlines have no direct-selling value, but simply make an emotional appeal to involve the reader. This approach can be used well with testimonials. An emotional quote from a well-known person in your field can add credibility to your message.

An effective emotional headline tells the reader that you understand their audience (For the Teacher Who is 35 and Dissatisfied). Keep in mind that certain books lend themselves to emotional approaches, while others do not. Make sure your title and topic are conducive to this appeal or it will look frivolous.

4) Use a Gimmick

There are times when a light or humorous opening is appropriate, however, it is important for credibility's sake that you make this connection eventually.

A gimmicky headline is most effective when your title has few important competitive advantages to shout as news or a direct benefit headline, and lacks the sales appeal of an emotional one. For instance, a gimmick headline addressed to librarians might declare: This Book is Two Years Overdue.

5) Trigger Curiosity

This technique arouses curiosity about your book by, in most cases, asking a question: What Ever Happened to Sex Education?

Both curiosity and gimmick headlines are methods of indirect selling. If you are selling content that fails to offer any attention-getting appeals, then you could try these techniques. However, it is generally better to use a logical, believable approach to the reader's interest through a straightforward presentation.

6) Give a Directive 

This type of headline is most useful when you wish to get immediate action from the reader. Directive headlines begin with words such as Go Now or Call Today and therefore are better used when addressing your ultimate customers. On the other hand, these tend to work well with sales managers who are looking for quick sales: You Can Sell Moreand in Less Time. These tend to get people to stop and read because they are direct, concise, and forceful.

7) Blow the Horn

When you can be specific, do so. If your title has outstanding selling points, take advantage of them in your headlines. But if you can find no such appeals in your book you may find it advisable to lure the reader with a headline that speaks in general terms about the merits of it. These are called "hornblowing" headlines: The World's Most Definitive Book on...

This approach is useful in other circumstances, such as when your title compares favorably with competitive books but still lacks a unique point of difference. It may actually have some advantages that, for one reason or another, are not important enough to build an entire release around.

Headlines stop the readers and entice them to read more. These could also be used in the subject line of your emails. In any case, once you get the reader’s attention you have to deliver on your promise, and that is done through compelling body copy.

How to Write Body Copy for a Press Release

Once you hook the readers with your headline, you must deliver on their expectations or they will stop reading immediately. Use the body of your press release to continue the momentum started with the headline and get the readers to take the action you recommend.

Body copy falls into a few well-defined categories, each used in accordance with the general format and theme of your headline. The style of copy you use in the body of your release must follow the pattern and pace established by your attention-getter. If you use a direct, factual headline, your body text will usually be most effective if it, too, is factual. Likewise, if you employ a gimmick headline your body copy should explain the connection to your book.

1) Straight Line Copy

This is the most frequently used type, and your text should quickly begin to develop the headline. It is like a white shirt, red tie, and blue blazer—correct for almost any affair. It directly follows the headline and proceeds in a straight and orderly manner from beginning to end. It does not waste words but starts to sell the benefits of your book immediately.

2) Narrative Copy

Narrative copy follows the headline with a story that logically leads into a discussion of your content. Your text sets up a situation prior to getting into your selling copy. This can be a dangerous style to use because you must construct an interesting story that will keep the readers involved long enough to make your point.

3) Institutional Copy

Institutional copy sells an idea, organization, or service. In many cases, this is narrative in style because you are not trying to sell the value of a specific book. You may be announcing your new consulting service. Your copy must create confidence in the author as expert, not your book itself. The difficulty is not to get so wrapped up in the traditions of your publishing company that the copy becomes boastful. This will quickly turn a reader off, especially if you use this style following a hornblowing headline.

4) Dialogue and Monologue Copy

Dialogue and monologue copy permit the person giving the endorsement in your headline to do the selling in his or her own words. The trick is to retain the attention-getting power of the testimonial and at the same time sound natural and convincing. One way to do this is to let your endorser do the complete selling job throughout, or by including a few additional supporting remarks in your own or others' words.

5) Gimmick Copy

Gimmick copy depends upon humor, exaggeration, and similar devices to create selling power. This is not often used in business communication because in most cases you are writing a press release to tell a straight, informative story.

Use these techniques as guidelines, not as rules. Write for the audience of the recipient (customers, students, members, employees), not about your book. Practice writing headlines in several different styles and then write supportive body copy for each.

If you are the copywriter, become the copyreader. Read what you write with a red pencil in your hand. Be brutal. Cut out meaningless words and useless phrases. Combine some sentences and eliminate others. Give your readers sentences that flow and combine several thoughts and present important facts. Mix and match your text with different headlines until you spark an idea that is truly creative, powerful, and designed to accomplish the objective of your press release.

You can generate more book publicity, sell more books, and become more profitable if you follow these simple techniques for writing press releases sent to media and non-retail buyers.


How to Build an Author Platform

Brian Jud

Brian Jud is the author of the book, How to Make Real Money Selling Books, the Executive Director of the Association of Publishers for Special Sales, and the administrator of Book Selling University. Contact Brian at brianJud@bookmarketing.com or www.premiumbookcompany.com.
