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Setting Writing Goals for the New Year

Thursday, January 25, 2024

The new year has begun, and it's only natural to look back at what we did over the previous 12 months. As we see the past year in review, we often think about what we want to accomplish in the coming year. This is especially necessary as a writer. Now is the perfect time to take stock of writing goals: which ones you met, which are still valuable, and what ones you should set for the coming year.

Here, we offer some goals to consider adding to your list for 2024 to make the year even more successful.

Try a New Genre

“Write what you know” is definitely good advice, especially for writers who are just starting on their journey, but you need to expand your horizons. As you learn and strive to know more, you can use that knowledge to keep your writing from becoming boring. For one month, commit yourself to learning about and writing in a different genre than you have before. It doesn’t have to be so different that you feel completely out of your depth. It could be genre-adjacent, such as moving from historical fantasy to sci-fi fantasy. 

Write for Your Author Blog Consistently

If you haven’t been consistently producing content for your blog on your author website, now is the perfect time to start. Commit to adding something new to your blog each week. In addition to aiding you in your marketing efforts, you can get more eyes on your website and show that you are knowledgeable and have value in the world of writing. This will also keep you writing even when you don’t feel like it. It’s a good way to engage with your readers and build community as well.

Step Outside Yourself

Your writing, and your life, will be better with other people involved. Find a local or online writing group to join. Let others read and comment on your work, while also sharing your insight with other writers. There is so much to be gained from writing with others: new perspectives, new experiences, new skills, and more.

Convert Your Book into an Audiobook

If you've already self-published your book, why not turn it into an audiobook? According to Wordsrated.com, “Audiobook revenue passed the ebook revenue for the first time in 2019, and the gap has kept getting bigger ever since.” In just the last 5 years, sales revenue increased by more than 50% in the last 5 years in the United States. Making an audiobook is work, but many people have enjoyed great success in creating an audio version of their book and found a whole new audience they hadn't yet reached.

We wish you well! Whatever your goals may be, make them happen! 


Read the Complete Guide: How to Self-Publish a Book


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