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IngramSpark Staff

IngramSpark® is an award-winning independent publishing platform, offering indie authors and publishers the ability to create, manage, and globally distribute print and ebooks.
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How to Collaborate Effectively with Influencers

Influencer marketing can be used in a wide range of industries, including books and publishing. Spaces such as #BookTok help authors and publishers get noticed, which can lead to a wider audience and stronger sales. To have success with this kind of marketing, though, you need effective collaboration. Here are some of the biggest things to consider.

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Book Marketing Trends for 2024 and Beyond

We’re well into 2024 already, but it’s never too late to stay on top of marketing your book! Trends are constantly changing, and there are so many effective ways to get your book in front of potential new readers these days. Here are some of the top trends that have been gaining momentum this year, and there’s no indication that they'll be going away anytime soon.

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How to Get Your Self-Published Book in Libraries

Want to get your book shelved at your local library? It takes some leg work, but you can make it happen. I’ve had my independently published books included in library circulations across the United States. You can do it too by following the steps in this article.

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5 Considerations for Choosing the Right Influencer

When working with an influencer to promote your books, in order to have the highest chance of success, you'll want to make sure you're choosing the right person for the job. That involves doing your research before reaching out to make contact, including using  influencer discovery platforms and tools to find the best people for your needs.

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Promote Your Book with Title Discovery

Self-publishing your book is quite an accomplishment, but unless you printed something deeply personal that’s just for you or a gift for someone close, you want everyone to buy and read your book. As an indie author, marketing is a huge part of your job, and IngramSpark has many resources to make that easier. One of our newest opportunities is Title Discovery Promotion.

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Influencer Marketing for Beginners

Influencer marketing is a technique that uses the influence of popular social media personalities to bring a brand or product to the public's attention. It's used for everything from health and beauty products to clothing to books.

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Share Your Pride!

Born from a 1970 New York City march honoring the Stonewall Uprising, Pride Month has become a global celebration. It's a time to champion self-acceptance, equality, and the richness of diversity. Recognizing the contributions of LGBTQ+ individuals to history and culture, IngramSpark is proud to spotlight indie authors and publishers who bring the LGBTQ+ experience to life.

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How to Promote Your Book on TikTok: 16 Ways to Sell More Books

TikTok is for more than just the latest dance craze or viral challenge. There’s a community for almost everything people are interested in, and this is especially true for book lovers. #BookTok is a large, thriving community. Even brick-and-mortar stores often have a section devoted to books recommended on #BookTok. It’s the perfect place to promote your self-published book.

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Why You Should Sell Your Book Globally

The excitement and sense of accomplishment from publishing your book and seeing it for sale in retail stores and online is fantastic. It’s even more exciting to see the money come in. But if those sales are slowing, or even if they remain steady, it might be time to look beyond your current horizons and into selling in international markets.

The market for books in the U.S. is huge, but the 2023 global book market was valued at $132.4 billionFor authors and publishers willing to invest, selling their books globally can pay off substantially in terms of greater impact, revenue, and career opportunities. Don't limit your book’s potential by just staying in your comfort zone.

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Promoting Your Book in Global Markets

In a previous post, we discussed the many reasons why you should sell your book globally and how Global Connect makes it easy to get into international markets. The next question you’re probably asking yourself is how to go about promoting your book in those markets. Here, we'll share some things to consider when stepping into the international scene.

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