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Alexa Glazer

Hey there - I'm Alexa Glazer, the livin' the dream girl. I am a speaker, author, storyteller, and full-time adventurer. I’m a free spirit with an old soul just trying to make people feel something special.  I travel and live full-time in my van so that I can chase all the sunsets and do my part in changing the world! Learn more at www.alexaglazer.com and connect with me at @movinalexa on ig

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Tips for Publishing an Audiobook

Alright, you did it. The hard part is over. You wrote your book and have it in your hands. You've spent months, possible even years, writing this book. But... have you thought about publishing the audiobook version of it? 

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What is Storytelling? 4 Ways Stories Bring People Together

As humans, we are addicted to stories. We spend our days telling our own and hearing the stories of others. We then go to sleep at night and our imagination continues to tell story after story. The magic never stops. However, are you listening to that magic or pushing it aside? This being said, in a world where we crave stories, how are you telling yours?

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