Editorial book reviews are consistently one of the most powerful tools available to traditional publishers for promoting their books, making them one of the most powerful tools available to indie authors for book marketing also.
Kathryn Brown
Kathryn Brown, co-founder of Chanticleer Book Reviews, has been involved in publishing, sales, marketing, and PR for more than 30 years. She also oversees the annual Chanticleer International Writing Contest that culminates with an author conference weekend and awards evening in Bellingham, WA in early spring. Visit ChantiReviews.com for more information regarding book reviews and the writing contest.
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While Chanticleer Reviews was exhibiting books vetted by our reviewers and writing competitions at several Independent Bookseller Association trade shows, I was able to observe (a marketing habit of mine) how professional booksellers buy books in action. Their traits were consistent with what they were seeking to fill their shelves. Also, I was able to ask the book buyers what they were looking for in particular to make their book-buying decisions.