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Leila Dewji

Leila Dewji is co-founder of I_AM Self-Publishing. She’s used her years of experience within trade publishing to recreate the publishing process for indie authors, ensuring high quality self-publishing to be proud of. As a stickler for quality, she has been encouraging her authors to use the IngramSpark platform since it launched.
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3 Steps to Building Your Author Brand

On your way to work today, you probably received lots of brand messages without realising. Maybe you picked up a coffee from a café with an Italian name and branding, maybe you grabbed a healthy snack in green packaging to go with it, or maybe you bought a bottle of water with a crisp, clean Alpine mountain on the side. Even if we take billboards and magazine adverts out of the equation, companies have a subtle way of telling you what they want to be known for in their marketing. Big brands spend millions on these clever ways of making you associate their name or product with certain values. Indie authors should be branding themselves in their marketing also.

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Why Literary Agents and Publishers Reject Books

Before setting up I­_AM Self-Publishing, I spent years working at a trade publisher and a literary agency, so I have seen just how many hoops authors need to jump through to get a publishing deal. In fact, one of the reasons I moved into self-publishing is because it became very difficult to get a publishing contract for a debut author, no matter how good they were. Here are reasons why literary agents and publishers reject books.

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Achieve More by Setting Author Goals

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5 Things You Need Before You Print a Book

Self-publishing is a really exciting process. After spending years putting blood, sweat, and tears into your book, it can be tempting to rush to the finishing line, but that only leads to mistakes. Some authors don’t realize just how many careful processes are involved once the final draft is complete but before it makes sense to print a book.

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