Justine Bylo

Justine Bylo fulfills her passion for getting independent authors' and publishers' books into the world as IngramSpark’s Key Account Sales Manager. She’s dedicated to innovating cutting edge services to help IngramSpark authors and publishers grow their businesses and expand their flourishing platforms.
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5 Reasons Writing Romance and Self-Publishing Are the Perfect Match

I’m in a torrid love affair with romance novels. The headstrong heroines, the misunderstood heroes, and the happily ever afters are everything I could possibly want in a good book. I devour them. And I’m not ashamed to read the paperback (cover out!) on the train during my commute. Another reason I love romance novels so fiercely is that they go hand-in-hand with self-publishing. I spend my days helping self-published authors share their books with the world, and most of those authors write romance. This is no coincidence, and here are five reasons why:

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