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Patti Thorn

Patti Thorn is a Managing Partner at BlueInk Review, a fee-based book review service devoted to self-published titles exclusively. For more news, writing tips, and book marketing help, you can sign up for BlueInk Review's mailing list.

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How to Get Book Reviews to Market Your Self-Published Book

Getting your book reviewed is a crucial step in your book marketing strategy. Positive reviews tell readers that your book is worthy of their time, entice your potential audience with plot descriptions, and give you instant credibility. But there’s more to the book review process than simply sending your book off to a reader and waiting for the result. First, you need to ensure that your book is ready for to be reviewed. Second, it’s important to choose the type of review that will best help you achieve your goals. And finally, you need to learn how to use your reviews to your advantage to sell more books

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