Roz Morris

Roz Morris is a bestselling ghostwriter turned contemporary novelist and author mentor. Her latest release is a workbook version of her successful writing manual Nail Your Novel. She has two published novels (My Memories of a Future Life and Lifeform Three, which was longlisted for the World Fantasy Award) and a collection of travel diaries, Not Quite Lost: Travels Without a Sense of Direction.
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6 Tips for Writing Characters Who Captivate Readers

Think about a book you loved. I'll bet my own weight in Harry Potter or Jack Reacher novels that it was a character that earned your love. Maybe several characters. A group of friends. A family. A pair of lovers. A man and his sworn enemy. A boy and a kestrel.

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How to Write Dialogue: Tips to Captivate Readers

Why do we make such a fuss about dialogue? I’m going to give three reasons, and then share some ways dialogue can take your story to the next level.

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How to Outline a Novel: Outlining for All Tastes

Every author has their own way of outlining. Some want minimal detail, some want a lot. Some keep the same outline process for every book they write. Some change from book to book—a new method for a new writing experience. Is there anything they all have in common? Yes, they do.

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7 Ways to Write a Novel with Confidence

You've had an idea for a novel...but can you write it? You won't know until you try, and therein lies the problem. There's trying…and then there's trying with a good chance of succeeding. Here are some tactics that will make a difference when you sit down to write a novel.

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How to Write a Good Plot: The Four Cs

Storytelling is not a colour-by-numbers exercise. We want to be original. However, even the most rule-breaking story has certain fundamental patterns. If we understand what they are, we can be outlandish and creative—and still know we’re building a satisfying experience for the reader. What are those patterns?

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